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👩‍🚒 wkrk helps you to build websites using Cloudflare Workers faster.

wkrk let's you focus on what's important: your content. Here's how:

  • ✍️ Concise, declarative API.
  • ⛱ Offers handy helpers like res.redirect and res.status.
  • 🔵 TypeScript first-class support.
  • ⚡️ No build tools required, just simple and concise abstractions.

Fast Track ⏱️

Get started by creating a new site. To get started, call the wkrk function with your route defitions. Let's start with a route that responds to the /users path:

import { wkrk } from "wkrk";
import users from "./api/users";

const routes = { "/users": users };

export default wkrk(routes);

Then define a handler for GET requests:

// api/users.js
export default {
get({ req, res }) {
return res.status(200).json({ name: "Giovanni" });

You can also define everything in a single file:

import { wkrk } from 'wkrk'

const routes = {
'/users': {
get({ req, res }) {
return res.status(200).json({ name: 'Giovanni' })

export default wkrk(routes)

Handling HTTP Methods

You can add the following functions to your routes:

  • get: Handles GET requests.
  • post: Handles POST requests.
  • put: Handles PUT requests.
  • delete: Handles DELETE requests.
  • handler: Handles all requests that aren't defined by any function above.

You can combine handler with the other functions. An example of this is shown below:

export default {
get({ req, res }) {
return res.status(200).json({ name: "Giovanni" });
handler({ req, res }) {
return res.status(200).send('I match everything else.');