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wkrk offers first-class TypeScript support.

Provide Type Definitions for Environment Variables

If you want, you can provide type safety for the envionment variables used in your projects by providing a type variable to the wkrk function:

type EnvType = {

const routes = wkrk<EnvType>({
"/test": {
get({ res, env }) {
// ✅
return res.json({ name: `Environment variable value: ${env.TEST_VARIABLE}` });
// 🚫 Property 'EST_VARIABLE' does not exist on type 'EnvType'. Did you mean 'TEST_VARIABLE'?
return res.json({ name: `Environment variable value: ${env.EST_VARIABLE}` });

In the previous example, we specified that the env variable has the shape of the EnvType type.

You can also provide type definitions on a per-route basis. In this case, we provide the WKRKRoute type.

const route: WKRKRoute<EnvType> = {
get({ res, env }) {
return res.json({ name: `Environment variable value: ${env.TEST_VARIABLE}` });

By default, and to provide some flexibility, the type of the env object is any.

Type Safety for Route Files

If you want type safety for routes, you can use the WKRKRoute type:

const route: WKRKRoute = {
get({ res }) {
return res.json({ name: "Hello World" });

You can also provide a type for the env object to WKRKRoute:

type EnvType = {

const route: WKRKRoute<EnvType> = {
get({ res, env }) {
return res.json({ name: `Environment variable value: ${env.TEST_VARIABLE}` });